Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Personal Helicopter From Japan

 Manufactured in Japan the GEN H-4 is the world's smallest co-axial helicopter. This ultra-light aircraft weighs only 155 lbs (70kg),  reaches a maximum speed of 55 mph (88 km/h). Japans GEN H-4 is powered by four twin cylinder engines feeding into a central transmission, with two sets of rotors turning in opposite directions. .This one-man helicopter was designed by the President of Engineering System Co. Japan, Mr. Gennai Yanagisawa. It is currently being manufactured and sold in a kit form in Japan, for a price of approximately $30,000 per kit. 


  1. imagine if those blades start ripping up? ur head is so close, would hurt you hahaha.....those blade cruise just under speed of sound.....heavy bro

    check this blog out for crazy apps that relate to this http://freeiphonehub.blogspot.com/
